- Design Creative

Graphic Design and Art Direction

tailored to your business

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Keeping your costs down and communicating the right message to your target group are most important. We can achieve both by creating a well thought-through brief and a sensibly planned timeframe.

If required I can bring on board professionals such as photographers and copywriters. By working with a close network of dedicated and talented professionals we can efficiently tailor any project to your exact requirements.

No unpleasant surprises and all parties stay well informed during the entire project. It is teamwork!

Your on-call Creative

who knows your business.

Whether you need a new logo, brochure, campaign or a complete business identity from design to roll-out, I do it all.

Projects I work on include:

Logo Design, Business Identity, Branding, Brand Manuals, Direct Mailings, Product Promotion, Exhibition Artwork Designs, Events, Businesscards, Folders, Flyers, Advertisements, Magazines, Brochures, User Guides, Online Advertisements, Website Design and more.

View examples of my work.

Please contact me to discuss your query.

Graphic Design and Art Direction

at your service.


I work as a Freelance Creative with sole traders, small and medium companies, business to business and charities.

For companies requiring short- or long term freelance assistance,

I am available to assist at a very competitive hourly rate.

Please contact me to discuss your query.

+44 (0)7833 60 16 63

Brighton, United Kingdom

Working Internationally

(English and Dutch spoken)